Having a go at Trump

Donald Trump is still butthurt over the first Republican debate on FOX News, so much so that he is refusing to attend the FOX/ Google debate tonight. The reason, according to Herr Trump: FOX is allowing “lightweight” (his term) Megyn Kelly to participate in the debate and that FOX was mean to him in their press releases. Oh, and Trump also whinged that Kelly had been “unfair” to him previously.

Well… boo the fuck hoo…

So let’s get this straight, Donald Trump, the guy that spends his waking hours spewing racist, misogynist, douchy bullshit from his mouth and Twitter account, is still so injured by Megyn Kelly’s completely reasonable questions that he simply cannot face her again. Wow, what a little bitch.

I shouldn’t be surprised, after all, Trump is hardly the only thin skinned loud mouth… there’s Ann Coulter, Bill O’Reilly, El Rushbo, and more clergy than can easily name.

Serious question though, if Kelly is such a “lightweight”, why can’t Trump handle her? If this sackless twit thinks she was unfair to him, I can’t wait to see him in front of the White House Press Corps… if this is any indication, he’ll be running away from his first press conference in tears.

Further, how is this coward going to handle ISIS, who, you know, cuts off actual people’s actual heads, when he can’t handle a questions that even so slightly pricks his unbelievably thin skin? Fucking hell, by the amount a butthurt whining from Trump you could be forgiven in thinking that Kelly’s questions were so emasculating that she’d literally went Lorena Bobbitt on him. I guess Kelly should add a line to her CV, “the woman that cut off Trump’s balls.”

This isn’t Trumps pity party either. When reports came out the important members of the RNC were looking into ways to keep him off the ticket, he freaked out. Cried that Rience Priebus wasn’t treating him “fairly” (notice a pattern here) and threaten to sue the RNC. News flash: neither Chairman Priebus or the RNC are under any obligation to be fair to any candidate, rather their job is to engineer Republican victories. I’m sure they seen the same polls I have and know what Trump’s actual chances are for success.

I guess, this is what we should expect from someone that has been given almost everything by his daddy, earned little for himself, and whose “marketable” skills mostly include filing for bankruptcy or divorce, firing has-been “celebrities”, and being ass on twitter.

Seriously though, and all snark aside, this tantrum is not only par for the Trump course but is part of a long line of reasons he’s not fit to president (or anything else for that matter).

First, there is his campaign slogan: “Make America Great Again”… cause America sucks right now. Yea, I know, America has a lot of problems, but I cannot feel that a presidential candidate running on a campaign of “America, fuck you” isn’t really that great of an idea. This same thing irked me about Mitt Romney, he constantly talked down the country and I know it was (and still is) an effort to trash President Obama, but sounded so negative and immensely unpatriotic.

Then there was his impressively bigoted announcement speech in which he manages to piss on one of the country’s largest active voting blocks.

After that, his call to ban all Muslims from the country… even those are American but have been traveling abroad, which in addition to being likely illegal, also screamed “help, help, I’m afraid”. Yep, rather than looking strong and decisive, Trump looked weak and frightened. Worse yet, the called played right into the propaganda of ISIS and others. When he was confronted about his statements being used in an Al Shabaab recruitment video, Trump responded by saying that he’s going to say what he needs to say… or something like that. So, yea, Trump would rather continue on with his silliness and thereby continue giving aid and comfort to our nation’s enemies than do anything more sensible.

Finally (at least for my list), there is his (and his supporters) treatment of protesters, reporters, critics and anyone else insufficiently Trump-loving. In between his threats of legal action for reporting on stories he’d rather not have out or “treating him unfairly” and his supporters assaulting dissenters, it’s clear that Trump doesn’t think he is subject to question or criticism. This is disturbing in so many ways, not least that the President of the United States is questionable and accountable to all Americans. Further, journalists, bloggers, and average Joes have a guaranteed Constitutional right to comment, question, criticise, malign or disrespect until our hearts are content. If Trump doesn’t like this or can’t handle it… maybe he should fuck off to Russia or some other totalitarian shit hole.

My advice to Mr. Trump is to pull up his big boy pants, act like he really wants to be president and suffer the slings and arrows of the outrageous fortune of running for public office… just like everyone else… or just fuck off.

Dr. Ben Carson… Holy Shit


Dr. Carson plays Surgery on MSNBC.

So, Thursday… I’m driving home from the store and this van in front of me has these stickers in the back window. One of the says “I Stand with Ben” and the other a Ben Carson for President sticker complete with Carson’s face and an American flag. I have to say I was surprised, my hometown is known for a certain amount of eccentricity, but that might be over the top. It may also have been fortuitous as I’ve been looking for an excuse to address Dr. Ben Carson. With the addition of Friday’s info, well that seals the deal.

First off, Dr. Carson has had an amazing medical career and is one of, if not the best neurologist of a generation. He literally wrote the book on separating conjoined twins that are joined at the head and share a portion of their brain. He lead the team that did just that and, for the first time, kept the twins alive. There is no question that Dr. Carson has made the world a better place, but… then there is the rest.

Let’s address the lies first since that is what is in the news. It started with a story Dr. Carson told about redirecting an armed robber from him self to a Popeye’s cashier. That was at the same time, douchey, cowardly and not really true. Then there was his story about his younger, more thuggish self trying to stab another kid. Again, not verified or verifiable and seems not to be true. Now, there is a story from his book, Gifted Hands, in which Dr. Carson says claims that after marching in Memorial day parade, his was invited to meet and dine with General William Westmoreland and after was offered a “full scholarship” to West Point. Well… not exactly, Politico has the full report, I will summarize. Basically, the Adjutant General of the Army has no record of any attempt by Carson to attend West Point. Further, one does not get a “scholarship” to West Point as West Point does not take tuition. Even more, Gen. Westmoreland was not anywhere near Chicago, rather he was lunching and playing tennis in Washington D.C. We know that because as then Army Chief of Staff, his time was well documented.

Well, if the lies weren’t enough, Dr. Carson has a long history of making rather questionable statements. First, he stated that Obamacare was worse than slavery. Then, that the Big Bang Theory and Theory of Evolution were invented by the “adversary” or Satan. Most recently, a video has come out of a speech Dr. Carson gave to an Adventist school in which he elaborated his belief that, contrary to most archaeologist and Egyptologists and conspiracy theorist, the pyramids where constructed by Joseph for the purpose of grain storage. Seriously, Dr. Carson… WTF?

Now Dr. Carson is angry that the media is looking into his past, calling “unfair” and a “witch hunt” and regurgitating the “media didn’t look into Obama like this” conspiracy. This is typical of the right, don’t like the facts, attack! But, in all seriousness, how the hell does he think the media won’t investigate his past… especially now? I can all but guarantee that right now, there is a legion of reporters and bloggers tearing through his books, speeches, TV appearances, etc all looking for the next big Ben Carson is Lying Nutter story.

To be honest, there is so much with this guy and so much of it off… I almost don’t know what to say. It’s hard to believe that the brilliant physician responsible for so much good is the same as this dishonest and/or delusional candidate.

Frankly, I think there needs to be some serious questions asked about Dr. Carson’s mental fitness and if he is mentally capable to president. He needs to undergo psychiatric evaluation by an independent expert(s). If he won’t do this himself, the RNC must force him to do so, or find a way to keep him off a ballot.

Filed under LULZ…

Dinesh D’Souza, douche bag.

Awhile back… a long while back… I gave moralizing, conservative douche nozzle, Dinesh D’Souza, a runner up for an Idiot of the Week. Well, apparently only being a liar, philanderer, plagiarist and hypocrite  wasn’t enough for D’Souza, he needed to add accused felon to his CV. Fortunately, the feds have been more than happy to help, as today they indicted D’Souza for campaign finance fraud. You will have to forgive me if I find it hilarious that yet another of the greats of the “moral majority” goes down as little more than a common scofflaw.

Full story at TPM.

Another Week, Another Idiot

It’s been a while since I have done an idiot of the week. While it’s not for lack of deserving candidates mind you. Truthfully, there have been a plethora of worthy inductees, I just have been slacking.

Before we visit this weeks fool, I have to confess I’m not sure that the title “Idiot of the Week” quite works, as “idiot” may give the wrong idea. Or leave the possibility that these people are simply lacking in knowledge or education, when in fact some of them aren’t stupid, they’re liars who are fully aware that they are lying. Others, on the other hand are just massive douche bags or some combination of all three. Further, it fails conveys the correct level of contempt that I have for these folks. I think I need a new pejorative.

So while I meditate on some new invectives, please enjoy this week’s offering: Scott Adams.

Now, if the name, Scott Adams, rings a bell, it should. He is the creator of Dilbert – a comic strip that I adore. Unfortunately, of all the reasons that one would support Mitt Romney, Adams’ is one of the most asinine that I have heard, and I just can’t let it go without some well dissevered ridicule. So, let’s take a look at this sad piece of drivel. [Original Here]

Let’s say a CEO does a great job for stockholders; he increases profits five-fold, treats the employees well, and causes the stock price to skyrocket. He’s a superstar. One day the public learns that the CEO killed a guy to get ahead in his career, but the CEO doesn’t get convicted because his clever attorney gets him off on a technicality. Assume in this hypothetical situation that the public correctly believes the CEO killed a guy to advance his career. Should the board of directors allow the superstar CEO to keep his job? Or is killing a guy to advance your career always a firing offense?

Okay, keep your answer in mind.

The next question is for supporters of President Obama. Let’s say your political views map closely to the President’s positions. He’s your guy. But suppose you found out he once killed an American citizen in the United States to help his reelection. And assume, as with the CEO example, that the facts of the killing are undisputed and the President found a legal means to avoid prosecution. In that hypothetical case, would you still vote for President Obama? Or would you say it is a firing offense for a President to kill a citizen to advance his career?

I predict that every one of you favored firing the hypothetical CEO for killing a guy to get ahead. My second prediction is that every Republican reader of this blog favored firing President Obama in the hypothetical and imaginary case of him murdering a citizen to get elected. My third prediction is that supporters of President Obama will quibble with the hypothetical example, or my comparison to the CEO, or say President Obama is still a better option than Romney. In other words, for most supporters of President Obama, I don’t think there is such a thing as a “firing offense.”

Ok, the point of these hypotheticals is create an “intellectual” underpinning for what will come, an endorsement of Mitt Romney. We’ll see in the next few paragraphs just how poor these underpinnings are, but for now I’ll simply comment on the last sentence. It’s interesting to me that Adams insinuates that the President’s supporters are less rational than his detractors… I cannot say I think that is an accurate assumption.

For the record, President Obama did not technically kill anyone to get elected. That was just a hypothetical example. But he is putting an American citizen in jail for 10 years to life for operating medical marijuana dispensaries in California where it is legal under state law. And I assume the President – who has a well-documented history of extensive marijuana use in his youth – is clamping down on California dispensaries for political reasons, i.e. to get reelected. What other reason could there be?

Oh my, there is so much stupid in this paragraph, I can feel my IQ dropping just reading it. First, and let me be very clear on this: it does not matter one damn that California has legal access to medical marijuana… it is still illegal under Federal Law. Period. Further, as far as the courts go, the Federal government is well with in it’s authority to regulate marijuana (Gonzales v. Raich, 2005) and prosecute offenders of federal law. That is because of the Constitution’s Supremacy Clause, this states that where there is federal law on something it is supreme to and supersedes state law. Bluntly put, the states are in the wrong here, not the feds.

Next, “not technically kill”, give me a break. This is the point where Adams’ logic begins to break down. By way of analogy, Adams is arguing that putting some in prison for breaking Federal Law is comparable to murder for political gain. These things are not only not equivalent, they’re not even any same universe. Making this analogy to attack the President does not show the strongest use of critical thinking skills. Also, the President does’t put people in jail… federal law enforcement does that.

Third, the President’s past use of pot is not relevant. To me, this comment comes across like a kid arguing, “but you did, why can’t I”, again, not really strong reasoning skills here.

Lastly, as to why the Feds would crack down on this guy… oh, I don’t know… maybe because he broke the fucking law.

One could argue that the President is just doing his job and enforcing existing Federal laws. That’s the opposite of what he said he would do before he was elected, but lying is obviously not a firing offense for politicians.

I’m pretty sure that Adams has no idea what the President actually has said on medical marijuana. In no way did the President say that he would not enforce federal law where medical marijuana is concerned. For the record, and furthering Adams’ sorely needed education, here is the President’s words on medical marijuana [Link]:

 President Obama clarified his position on medical marijuana in an interview with Rolling Stone, telling publisher Jann Wenner that he can’t “nullify congressional law.”

“What I specifically said was that we were not going to prioritize prosecutions of persons who are using medical marijuana. I never made a commitment that somehow we were going to give carte blanche to large-scale producers and operators of marijuana – and the reason is, because it’s against federal law. I can’t nullify congressional law,” Obama said.

“I can’t ask the Justice Department to say, ‘Ignore completely a federal law that’s on the books.’ What I can say is, ‘Use your prosecutorial discretion and properly prioritize your resources to go after things that are really doing folks damage.’ As a consequence, there haven’t been prosecutions of users of marijuana for medical purposes,” Obama said.

Obama also said in a late night TV appearance Tuesday on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, that he didn’t expect Congress to change that law: “We’re not going to be legalizating weed … anytime soon.”Personally, I’d prefer death to spending the final decades of my life in prison.

That’s a bit more nuanced then Adams may have realized.

So while President Obama didn’t technically kill a citizen, he is certainly ruining this fellow’s life, and his family’s lives, and the lives of countless other minor drug offenders. And he is doing it to advance his career. If that’s not a firing offense, what the hell is?

Ok, enforcing the laws is just enforcing the laws. That fact Adams doesn’t apparently agree with the law or its enforcement isn’t “firing offense” for the President. The problem solely belongs to Adams and his lack or understanding/ education on relevant laws.

Incidentally, there is a term in the political lexicon for being fired for doing job, that is “Borked”. Referring to then Solicitor General (and Acting Attorney General) Robert Bork’s illegal firing of Watergate Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox at the orders of President Nixon.

Romney is likely to continue the same drug policies as the Obama administration. But he’s enough of a chameleon and a pragmatist that one can’t be sure. And I’m fairly certain he’d want a second term. He might find it “economical” to use federal resources in other ways than attacking California voters. And he is vocal about promoting states’ rights, so he’s got political cover for ignoring dispensaries in states where medical marijuana is legal.

Gov. Romney is also enough of a chameleon to return to the Bush era enforcement where not only distributors are prosecuted but users as well. Medical marijuana is well thought of in GOP circles and Romney is on the record as opposing it.

So while I don’t agree with Romney’s positions on most topics, I’m endorsing him for president starting today. I think we need to set a minimum standard for presidential behavior, and jailing American citizens for political gain simply has to be a firing offense no matter how awesome you might be in other ways.

And here it is, the questionable hypotheticals, poor reasoning skills and lack understanding/ knowledge of our nation’s laws brought to their most ridiculous pinnacle. That is an endorsement of a candidate based on the hope, despite reason, that Mitt Romney will let people smoke up.

Now I do not know if Adams uses pot, nor do I know if he would qualify as a “stoner”, but the arguments he makes are often used by that demographic. Even if he is not though, he still shows an amazing lack of knowledge that is also all to common in single issue voters – another demographic not known for reasoning skills. See, some people become so wrapped up in a narrow issue that they unwilling to acknowledge or uninterested in anything outside of that single issue.

I have harped on the lack of education quite a bit. This may come off as elitist or prickish, but all of these topics from the President and Gov. Romney’s positions on medical marijuana to the actual law on medical marijuana in the US are easily found through a Google search – Adams apparently couldn’t be bothered to do that minimal amount of research. If you can’t do that simple of a task, you should probably just keep your ignorance to yourself.

Two more points about Adams’ post, first he has a number of updates that I am not going to reproduce, they amount to him alternately praising and condemning stories on his post from other websites. This seamed rather petulant, so I’m not going to bother with it.

Second, Adam’s had placed a warning at the start of his post, I will address it here.

The warning:

Warning: This blog is written for a rational audience that likes to have fun wrestling with unique or controversial points of view. It is written in a style that can easily be confused as advocacy or opinion. It is not intended to change anyone’s beliefs or actions. If you quote from this post or link to it, which you are welcome to do, please take responsibility for whatever happens if you mismatch the audience and the content.

The post may have been intended for a “rational audience” but it wasn’t written by a rational person. Further, Adams may not like this, but an endorsement is advocacy, that’s the point.

A last thought on medical marijuana. During my time as a graphic artist at my local newspaper, I had made advertisements for several medical marijuana dispensaries in my home town. See Montana is a medical marijuana state and many dispensaries use a traveling doctor that would come, see patients for half a day and sign off on the cards for medical marijuana. One thing that really and repeatedly struck me was that all of the advertisements for these doctor’s clinics stated (often highlighted at the client’s request): “No Medical Records Necessary” Now, I cannot see a doctor prescribing medication to a patient without looking at their records is as due diligence. But, maybe due diligence isn’t the point, maybe getting high is the point.

Oh, and a runner up: Dinesh D’Souza. Now it’s hardly unusual that one of these moral crusader, pro-family types turns out to be a complete hypocrite, but D’Souza’s melt down this week gave me some much needed humor, so here we go. D’Souza had been the president of a Christian university called Kings College. Well, some time ago, D’Souza went to a function for this school with some attractive new young lady on his arm, who he introduced as his fiance. This may have been a surprise to some, especially his wife… and also to her husband. For his part, D’Souza has now, after that fact, filed for divorce. He has also resigned from his position at Kings College. Still, you do have to be impressed with the nuts it takes to accuse President Obama of attacking the traditional family one week, and then destroying yours the next.

I know that I’m not the only one to make this observation, but I swear, give these guys time and almost invariably, they go down flames – fueled by equal parts hypocrisy and stupidity. Clicky for more.

Until next time…